The European Commission acknowledges Croatia's efforts undertaken in the last six months in the field of management of pre-accession EU funds. Therefore, on Friday, the suspension of contracting of projects from PHARE 2006 Programme was annulled and five million euros, the amount by which the IPA 2008 Programme had been reduced, were defrosted. However, Zagreb has to make further efforts in implementation, the Adviser at the EC Delegation, Oskar Benedikt said in Zagreb, on Monday.
"We acknowledge Croatia's efforts and that is why we have had a possibility to annul the suspension", stated Benedikt on the press conference which he held with the Minister of Finance Ivan Šuker, and on which the EU funds available to Croatia were presented.
However, Benedikt emphasized that "the annulment of suspension does not mean that it is all over; it means that the Commission now has more confidence in the State Administration", suggesting also that the progress achieved in the last six months now has to be put to good use.
We have arranged a set of elements with the Croatian Government which will help us reach it", said Benedikt, clarifying that those elements imply the submission of tender documentation on time, submission of tender documentation of an appropriate quality, respect of the conditions for tender announcement and improvement of management and control systems.
"Good management of pre-accession funds is extremely important in times before is one of the main elements by which the readiness of a country for accession is being measured", said the Adviser at the EC Delegation.
The CARDS funds have been available to Croatia since 2001 and, later, the PHARE, ISPA and SAPARD funds as well, of the total value of 489,6 million euros. Since 2007, the new IPA programme has been introduced within the framework of which the Republic of Croatia has at its disposal 589,9 millions euros by 2010. After its accession to full EU membership, Croatia will have the possibility of using even more abundant financial resources from the EU structural and cohesion funds.
Now, it has to be ensured that large amounts of European tax payers' money from the funds which Croatia will have at its disposal when she becomes the member, are not spent in a wrong way, but wisely and correctly, stressed the EC representative.
Minister Šuker stated that "the European Commission decision is a confirmation of good performance of the Government of the Republic of Croatia and of the line ministries", emphasising as well that it "does not mean that there are no problems, it does not mean that we do not need to continue educating ourselves, that we do not have to continue working".
Minister expressed his confidence that Croatia will have a high degree of EU funds absorption which, after all, it has had so far, confirmed both Šuker and Benedikt.
This was exemplified by the CARDS 2003 programme and 90 per cent of its absorption.
Now, after the suspension annulment, Croatia can, by the end of November, sign contracts worth 52,62 million euros if it ensures quality and adheres to the deadlines for tender documentation. (Hina)