Budget users to present cost - cutting plans by middle of next week

State budget users are expected to forward to the government their austerity plans until the middle of next week, Croatian Prime Minister Ivo Sanader said on Friday after a meeting with all cabinet ministers, state secretaries and heads of departments.

Budget users have not been told how much money they have to save, but in case their plans are within expectations, they will be ordered to make additional economies, Sanader said.

After budget beneficiaries present their plans, a task force for budget revision and social partners will consider other segments of the announced revision.

Sanader said that he and Finance Minister Ivan Suker had been in contact with various financial institutions in Europe and the world in a bid to secure additional funds for the Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development (HBOR).

In order to make it easier for companies to take loans from banks operating in Croatia, we must see to it that the government can borrow money abroad, Sanader said.

Minister Suker said that he would be meeting with economic experts next week to discuss their projections of Gross Domestic Product in 2009, which should be conducive to efforts to elaborate the revenue side of the budget.

