Central Harmonization Unit
Sector for Harmonization of Internal Audit and Financial Control (Central Harmonization Unit) is an internal organisational unit within the Ministry of Finance tasked with coordinating the establishment and development of public internal financial control system which comprises financial management and control and internal audit.

Among its other responsibilities, the Central Harmonization Unit of the Ministry of Finance is in charge of the following:
- developing laws and bylaws relating to the field of financial management and control and to internal auditing,
- production of financial management and control and internal auditing methodology and performance standards,
- internal financial control system establishment and development coordination,
- organising training for persons responsible for and involved in financial management and control and internal audit,
- conducting quality assurance of the financial management and control system and of internal audit whitin the budget users,
- developing cooperation with European Commision and domestic and foreign institutions aimed to further developing of the financial management and control system in accordance with best practices,
- composing the consolidated annual report on the system of internal financial controls and its work which Minister of Finance submits to the Government of the Republic of Croatia,
- keeping and maintaining the internal audit units register, internal auditors' charter register, certified auditors register and register of persons involved in financial management and control.